I Am Wild: Animal Affirmations and Alphabet Adventure For Kids
I Am Wild: Animal Affirmations and Alphabet Adventure For Kids
"I Am Wild: Animal Affirmations & Alphabet Adventures"
is a vividly illustrated and engaging book designed for young children to discover the magic of self-belief, animals, and the alphabet. Merging the power of "I am" affirmations with the excitement of animals and the hands-on experience of tracing letters, this book is not only educational but also empowering.
Tracing Area: For each affirmation, there are dotted lines for the letters of every affirmation (both uppercase and lowercase) for your child to trace, reinforcing letter recognition and handwriting skills.
Engaging Illustrations: Enclosed are bright and colorful illustrations keep the kids engaged and make learning an enjoyable experience.
Holistic Learning Approach: Beyond alphabet learning, this book promotes self- confidence, a love for animals, and develops fine motor skills.
Using the Book Effectively:
Consistent Practice: Incorporate the book into your daily routine. A consistent 10-15 minute session of tracing and affirmation repetition can solidify learning.
Interactive Reading: Instead of just reading the affirmations, make it interactive. Ask questions like, "How do you think the bear feels?" or "Can you show me something brave you did today?" Celebrate Efforts: Applaud your child's tracing attempts, even if they aren't perfect. This builds their confidence and encourages them to keep trying.
Discussing Self-Belief with Kids:
Relatable Examples: Use everyday scenarios to highlight instances of self-belief. For instance, "Remember when you were scared to slide, but you believed you could do it? That's self-belief!" Role Play: Use toys or role-play to act out the affirmations. For example, you can pretend a toy is afraid of the dark but says, "I am brave," and then faces its fear.
Affirmation Wall: Create a wall or corner where you display all the affirmations from the book. Each day, encourage your child to repeat them. Over time, these positive statements become internalized.
Expanding on Animal Topics:
Nature Documentaries: Watch child-friendly documentaries about the animals in the book. This not only reinforces the animal's identity but also expands their knowledge about the animal kingdom. Visit Zoos & Animal Sanctuaries: Organize trips to local zoos, animal farms, or sanctuaries. Encourage your child to spot the animals from the book and recall their corresponding affirmations. Animal Art Projects: Engage in art and craft projects focused on the animals from the book. For example, you can make masks, puppets, or simple sculptures.
Further Reading: Invest in more detailed children's books about animals. Dive deeper into the habitats, diets, and peculiarities of each creature. This satiates the curiosity of young minds and gives them a broader understanding of the world.
Animal Behavior Observation: Encourage your child to observe pets or local wildlife and note or discuss their behaviors. For instance, watching a bird build its nest can be related back to the book's affirmation of "I am industrious" for an industrious bird like the woodpecker.