Executive Functioning Intensive, Unit 1.1
Executive Functioning Intensive, Unit 1.1
Unit 1: Introduction to Executive Functioning: Understanding the WHAT, WHY, AND HOW of EF Skills
This unit serves as a strong starting point for delving deeper into each specific skill in subsequent lessons.
Unit Outcome(s): Introduce all executive functioning skills that will be focus points throughout the program and share their importance for managing time, completing tasks, regulating their emotional and mental states, and achieving their goals.
By the end of Unit 1, students will understand the concept of executive functioning skills, their importance in daily life and academic success, and be introduced to foundational skills within the executive function umbrella.
1.1: Defining Executive Functioning Skills Present a simple definition of executive functioning skills: "The mental processes that help us plan, organize, manage time, pay attention, and remember details."
Activity Options:
The Conductor of the Orchestra and Learning Extensions
The Control Center of the Brain and Learning Extensions
Story Scenarios